Did you and jupiter conspire to get me
Did you and jupiter conspire to get me

did you and jupiter conspire to get me

In fact, if you could see Jupiter's magnetic field from Earth, it would appear five times as large as the full moon in the sky despite being so much farther away."

did you and jupiter conspire to get me

Therefore, it makes sense that it msut have been known before records began.Īnother oddity: "Jupiter has a very large and powerful magnetosphere. How is it possible to know what humans knew before recorded history? If they didn't write it down, it's not there for us to read!Īs far back as historical records go, Jupiter has been recorded as being known. It has been known since prehistoric times. The following line doesn't seem to make any sense: Bryan 18:17 (UTC) Well I suppose anything that is scientifilcy agreed on as a satelite shoudl be added. But since the new tiny moons have been classified as moons as far as I'm aware, 39 seems appropriate to me. There has to be a size cutoff at some point, otherwise Jupiter's ring particles would count as moons and that would just be silly. Anyway, I guess a case can be made for either 16 or 39. Didn't know you'd put that in there until after I'd already nuked it. BTW, sorry I overwrote your 16 moon entry without comment, I was filling out the whole table at the time and ran into an edit conflict. I Just Read Thats Its Now 62 Satellites, But Only 28 Of Those Are Over 1000 KM In Diameter, And 12 Of Those Have Yet To Be Named!Ĭheck the paragraph right before the table listing Jupiter moons a whole bunch of tiny moons only a kilometer or two in diameter were recently discovered.


Edsanville 19:19, (UTC) If you do wind up adding that information, please stop by Wikipedia:WikiProject Astronomical Objects and update to make everything nice and consistent. :) Bryan 00:11, (UTC) I'd love to put them on here as long as there's a consensus about it. Anyways, I'm sure I can find the data for the planets and moons. I always preferred the books that gave me all the data, instead of hiding some because the authors assumed I wouldn't be interested. Most books don't include this information, but some do. I actually came here to find enough data to plot the orbits of all the planets and their moons in 3d using OpenGL. I know it probably doesn't mean much to the average visitor, but this should be a comprehensive encyclopedia, in my opinion. Personally, I think we'd also need to give the celestial coordinates of each planet's pole -but where can one find these data? Urhixidur 03:55, 2004 Aug 23 (UTC) I personally think it would be nice to include all of these data, even for the moons. If we were to put them in, we'd need to do that with the moons too, which is a pain to look up. They've also been left out of the asteroid entries, mostly because they don't mean much to the casual reader. The article orbit explains about those missing parametres (argument of periapsis and longitude of the ascending node). Where do I go to present this idea? Edsanville 23:14, (UTC) This could be useful in generating 3D solar system simulations, or detailed starmaps. Then, the data can be used to obtain the EXACT orbit to within known precision in 3D space. I think we should add two more parameters to the standardized table of data under "Orbital Data." In order to nail down planets' orbits in space completely, we need the perigee right ascension, and the ascending node right ascension. Femto 18:34, 9 January 2006 (UTC) Reply Extra paramaters Kelimarchus, and was he seriously the first one to discover the moons (in 2005, no less?) Riddlefox 18:24, 9 January 2006 (UTC) Reply Was vandalism, been reverted.

did you and jupiter conspire to get me

From the second sentence of the article: "In 2005, Mr.Kelimarchus discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter using a telescope, the first observation of moons other than Earth's." I think there's another problem about the moons on Jupiter. Someone who knows a bit more about the subject should check this section and correct it. I'm not sure if the simple division of four groups is still tenable. The section with the above title is out of date as it doesn't refer to the many new moons discovered in the last ten years. 36 Did you know this?(Don't insult me because you already know it).31 jupiter symbol appearing way below page.29 Disputed (Jupiter and Internet conspiracists).

did you and jupiter conspire to get me

  • 16 No Mention / Link of Trojans on this page.
  • 8 Tidal force and orbit circularity of the moons.
  • 7 Attribution of "Sun, Jupiter, and debris".

  • Did you and jupiter conspire to get me